Notes: Shortened Citations

Chicago Manual of Style, in its latest edition, discourages the use of ibid in notes in favour of shortened citations and to avoid repetition, the title of a work just cited may be omitted (CMOS 14.34: Shortened citations versus “ibid.”).

Because ILO publications reference a lot of ILO publications, this guideline does not work well at ILO, creating a lot of entries that just read "ILO".

What needs to be shown, is author + the short title. 


Users using Notes are to be recommended to install and use Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note, short title subsequent) .

With this style, the notes will show the author + the short title. As expected. 

1. ILO, Securing Decent Work for Nursing Personnel and Domestic Workers, Key Actors in the Care Economy, ILC110/III/(B), 2022
2. ILO, Securing Decent Work for Nursing Personnel and Domestic Workers.
3. ILO, Securing Decent Work for Nursing Personnel and Domestic Workers.
4. ILO, Securing Decent Work for Nursing Personnel and Domestic Workers.


  • Last Updated Dec 12, 2023
  • Views 33
  • Answered By Indira

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